“Something for everyone.”
OrangeCon does not have a specific target audience, so please surprise us! Our ideal course lineup would include both offensive and defensive content, with a focus on new attack/defense techniques. We prefer 2-4 day trainings but are also very open to a fun (niche) 1-day course. Please submit whatever you feel may fit.
If you submit a course, please provide as much details as possible. We don't mind reading, longer descriptions are great, especially with regards to things like:
- Who do you envision as your target audience?
- Required knowledge: is this a course for beginners or experts? (Please elaborate on this, things like “requires C and ASM knowledge” really help)
- We would like to know about your professional expertise but especially your experience giving (public, in class) courses.
- Other thoughts/suggestions/comments.
- IF you are submitting multiple trainings, please elaborate if you can give multiple IRL trainings at the same time or not, and try to explain for what audience each training is best.
Event details:
- Training dates: September 1st through 4th
- Location: Meervaart (Meer en Vaart 300) in Amsterdam
- Duration: 1-4 days
- Max capacity per classroom: Each class can fit approximately 20 participants
- Conference date: September 5th
Training price, ex VAT:
- 1-day training: €800 early bird / €900 regular *
- 2-day training: €1400 early bird / €1500 regular *
- 3-day training: €1700 early bird / €1800 regular *
- 4-day training: €2000 early bird / €2100 regular *
* Not taking into account hardware kits which might be included as part of your training.
Revenue Split:
50% of course price goes directly to trainers. We (OrangeCon) will take care of the venue costs, food, etc.
Please note: we run OrangeCon as a non-profit, aiming to keep the conference accessible to the Dutch infosec community and students. Our own revenue for OrangeCon trainings will go towards this year’s and next year’s conference, keeping OrangeCon affordable for the Dutch community.
The deadline for submissions is January 15th, 2025. We prefer submissions per google form, but if you have questions or if this is not possible, please contact us at [email protected]. You will receive an acknowledgement that your submission has been well received.
Submit your training now!