T7: building your own malware sandbox on a budget

Training Details


The "Building Your Own Malware Sandbox on a Budget" workshop is designed to empower participants with the knowledge and skills to establish a cost-effective malware analysis environment using readily available opensourse resources. Attendees will transform a standard PC into a versatile malware analysis lab, leveraging tools such as Proxmox, OPNsense, Windows and Linux virtual machines, and Limacharlie with Sysmon.

Course Overview

  • Basic understanding of sandboxing and why we need it, how it works and what you need.
  • Basic System Installation with Proxmox: Learn the essentials of setting up Proxmox, a powerful open-source virtualisation platform.
  • Preparing Networks with a Firewall and VPN: Explore the installation and configuration of OPNsense, a feature-rich open-source firewall.
  • Implement a VPN for secure remote access, ensuring anonymity by keeping the home IP address clean.
  • Installing VMs: Hands-on experience in creating and configuring Windows and Linux virtual machines for malware analysis.
  • Protection tools: the choices you can make to disable protection to get effective infection results.
  • Creating Remote Access: Establish remote access capabilities for convenient management and analysis tasks.
  • Installing Analysis Tools: Install and configure essential tools for malware analysis, including Sysmon, EDR tools and more.
  • Using Snapshots: Understand the importance of snapshots and how to use them effectively for quick system recovery and analysis rollback.
  • Risks and Things to Take Care Of: Explore potential risks associated with running a malware lab and learn best practices for mitigating them.
  • Practical working with the sandbox and do some analyses.

By the end of the BYOML workshop, attendees will have the skills to create their own malware analysis lab within a modest budget (approximately 400 euros).

This hands-on experience will equip participants with the knowledge needed to conduct malware analysis, enhance cybersecurity skills, and fortify their understanding of securing virtualized environments. (It does not include the hardware to take home of course :-) )


Barry is a security enthusiast and full of energy to build a secure world. He is advising several organisations on the IT security landscape and stays tuned what happening in real life. During his technologic journeys he has made a lot of friends in the community and is involved with initiatives like Hack in The Class, Randomdata, Hack_Right, DIVD (Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure), Hackshield, HITB and more.

On the technology side he has a general passion for technology with a security focus, if it is online/cloud platforms, ransomware operators, radio technology or alarm systems, it’s always a challenge to make the impossible possible.